Hello, Temple Jeremiah! I’d like to formally introduce myself—I’m Jaimie, one of the leaders who will be working alongside Naomi, the students, and our community, Pozo Azul, to create a wonderful experience of cultural exchange and community service (plus a lot of fun, too!). I’ve been in Costa Rica the last few days meeting with our community contacts to organize projects and prepare for the students’ arrival. Our host village is very excited to have us, thankful for our contribution and desire to share cultures.
Our main contact in Pozo Azul is a warm, welcoming woman named Nydia. Nydia will be cooking all of our meals, which we will eat at her family’s home each day. Her husband, Don Luis, will be working alongside us to complete our service projects. He is a lot of fun and always smiling! We have determined that our primary projects will be laying cement to build small speed bumps on the main road of Pozo Azul, re-paving sidewalks that are starting to crumble, and re-painting the exterior walls and gate to the cemetery. We will also be doing a variety of cultural activities ranging from visiting a local farm and watching the Costa Rica v. Serbia World Cup Game (wooo!) to learning to make empanadas, teaching English at the primary school, and more!
Below are some photos from our community. I can’t wait to meet everyone and share an amazing experience together! I wish you all safe travels and see you Thursday!